I’m currently reading or listening to:
I’m a big fan of Brené Brown’s work. It took me a bit longer to start reading this latest book, but so far I find it very inspiring. It’s focused on leaders, but I think it’s useful for everyone.
The Inner Citadel by Pierre Hadot
I love Stoic philosophy. I ordered this book a while back and am finally getting around to reading it. It’s not an easy read, far from it, but it’s on my nightstand and I read a few pages every evening. So far, it has been extremely inspiring to me.
I want to read or listen to:
All that remains by Sue M. Black
Found this book at our local, independent bookstore and immediately picked it up. Even though my mother taught me death is a natural part of life, I feel like I have a lot of work to do in not looking at death as the Grim Reaper. I hope this book will help me on this path.
You know you want this by Kristen Roupenian
I never read the short story ‘Cat Person’, but I did read an interview with the author. I found it to be fascinating. When I spotted this book in our local, independent book store, I read the first page and was instantly sold.
The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells
As the debate around action against climate change is heating up (unfortunate pun), I found myself struggling to sort through all the facts. When I spotted this book, I decided I needed to know how bad things are going to get.
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