There is no book, movie or speech that has changed my life as much as ‘The Power of Vulnerability’ has. This 6 hour long speech, or event, by Brené Brown has made me a much better and happier person.
You might have already seen Brown’s Ted Talk and think you got the basics covered. But the Ted Talk is just scratching the surface of what Brown has to offer. In this lengthy listen, she takes you on a journey that is much more profound.
This speech will make you smile, blush, gasp, laugh out loud and wipe away tears. Most people I recommended it to were hesitant to check it out. All but one came back to me and said Brené Brown managed to pierce right through their armor.
That’s a good thing, by the way. For me, personally, ‘The power of vulnerability’ changed everything. I doubt I would still be producing the podcast without it. I doubt my marriage would be this happy and fulfilling without it.
Brené Brown’s natural talent for storytelling, Texan twang and spontaneous interaction with the audience will charm you off your socks, I think. On top of that, her background might surprise you.
You’re wary of self-help books and related topics? Great. So is Brené Brown. Seriously, she’s about data and science. Everythink she’s sharing is based on her own scientific research.
I’ll summarise my enthusiasm about The Power of Vulnerability with this: If I could recommend only one, single thing to you, it would be to listen to this speech. Even Muriel recommends loved it!
If you end up listening to it, please let me know what you think! The Power of Vulnerability is available as a one-time purchase on Amazon or Audible. You can also get it as your first download with an Audible trial!