I cannot begin to express the power of this book. It captures all of Brené Brown’s work on vulnerability, courage and then adds how to rise.
Many of us look for inspiration when we’re in the dirt, face down and feeling broken. Rising Strong teaches you how to get back up.
It’s not an easy fix, nor is it a set of rules. You’ll have to do most of the work yourself. It is so worth it, though.

If I could gift every friend and listener one single book, it would be this one. Yup, not one of my own stories, but this book. Without a doubt.
I recommend this book wholeheartedly to anyone. There’s no qualifier. I think this book can benefit anyone. It’s that profound.
Personally, I have the audiobook and the ebook, plus a hardcover version on my desk. I often reread parts of it when I need to find the courage to get back up after falling.
This is my favorite book ever. Period.
Extra tip: the audiobook of Rising Strong is narrated by the author and it’s brilliant!